Hugo Madureira Art

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Rua Silva Brinco 230
4465-264 São Mamede de Infesta, Portugal
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Hugo Madureira Art Informações sobre a empresa

Informações gerais

Hugo Madureira was born in Porto in 1982, currently lives in London and works in Jewellery design and art from his studio in Hoxton. Alongside his artistic creations in the last decade working in the borderline of Art and Jewellery, he also produces bespoke work and collaborates with others as a consultant and designer.
His work was displayed in several exhibitions such as the celebration of the 200 years of the Independence of Brazil in 2008 that took place in the National Historical Museum of Rio de Janeiro and the Museum of Petropolis, the Worlds Crafts Council European Triennale of Contemporary Jewellery in 2011 and several collaborations with Experimenta Design-Lisbon’s Design Biennale.
In the years that preluded his moving to London Hugo Madureira developed an extensive range of designs with the celebrated fashion designer Lidija Kolovrat, from fabric design to the creation of many of the accessories and jewellery apparel presented worldwide by the label from their atelier based in Lisbon. At the same time he became a Lecturer in Ar.Co, the School where he went on to achieve his Master’s Degree after an internship with the Artist and Designer Ted Noten.
After his moving to London, the opportunity of developing jewellery prototypes for Louis Vuitton, Jaeggar and Aqua came up and he decided to establish his workplace in East London.
He is now kick-starting new projects such as the launching of The Cuban Eight (fashion jewellery, accessories and clothing label) and the set up of his new label HMS Jewellery and Not multidisciplinary studio.

Rua Silva Brinco 230 São Mamede de Infesta

Horário de funcionamento
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 19:00
13:00 - 18:00
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